About the Founder of the Center
About the Founder of the Center

HE Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche is a contemporary thinker who believes that Dharma is neither a religion nor a philosophy. He often says, “Do you think the Dharma is only for the Sangha? No, it is for all who need it. The right education can bring nonviolence and peace.” Through teachings on the importance of caring, understanding, loving, faith, and courage—and how to apply those lessons to daily life—he helps people uncover their intrinsic peace and joy.
This deeply held belief encouraged him to found the World Center for Peace and Unity, to promote spiritual progress worldwide through the practice of nonviolence, social justice and mutual understanding.

At an early age, Rinpoche was recognized as an emanation of the great yogi Milarepa; today, he is known as a scholar, teacher and meditation master to thousands of students around the world. He is the head of the Trungram lineage and its monasteries, schools, and meditation centers around the world. With a unique blend of eastern wisdom and western understanding, he helps students develop the skills of awareness, combining profound meditation techniques with essential points of Dharma study.

Rinpoche received his PhD from Harvard University in 2004, and has continued teaching and engaging in academic research. He gives talks to senior executives in world-famous companies such as Facebook and Google. He has been a visiting professor at McGill University in Quebec, Canada. And in 2018, he was the leading guest speaker at Harvard University’s “Technology-Assisted Meditation” forum.